Thursday, December 25, 2008

Zenses for Nintendo DS Giveaway!

We have another giveaway from The Game Factory! And again, I am so sad that I can not win my own giveaways! This looks awesome!

Here is some information about the games. Yes, the winner will receive both games!
Zenses - Escape The World Around You

Zenses, active relaxation and the perfect "me time" companion, allows the player to transcend the stresses of everyday life, unplug and experience an "active escape." Zenses, with Zenses Ocean and Zenses Rainforest as its first two titles, will be a series of games targeting women 25 years and older - one of the newest and fastest growing segments of the videogames industry. With a clean, fresh and stylish look and a soundtrack that complements the calm and relaxing atmosphere, Zenses offers the modern woman a brand new and fresh experience.

Zenses – Ocean Edition

In Zenses Ocean, players relax themselves playing puzzle games inspired by the movements of the tide, rippling water, riffs and corals, beach vegetation and sea life. An indulgent, soothing experience, Zenses Ocean includes high quality visuals and ambient sounds inspired by the natural sounds of the sea. Subliminal addictive puzzles such as Hot Spot, Shell Twirl, Turtle Turn, Pearl Diver and Wave Breaker (names are currently being reviewed and may change) were created to give players an escape from the stress of every day life.

Zenses- Rainforest Edition

Zenses Rainforest allows players to explore the Amazon while playing games infused with rain drops, exotic flowers, waterfalls and giant trees. This refreshing experience encourages players to recharge their batteries while playing puzzle games such as Sapphire Wheel, Mirror Maze, Stack Jack and Bumble Breaker (names are currently being reviewed and may change).

Key Features & Highlights

* Allows players to escape from the stress of daily life while challenging the mind, body and spirit through relaxing puzzle games, soothing ambient sounds and authentic rainforest and oceanic visuals.

* Designed for casual play – whether it's for three minutes or for a three-hour escape – and offers a collection of six easy to pick up, yet addictive puzzle/brain games that are as fun as they are challenging.

* A clean, fresh and "spa-like" interface and highlights the earth's natural wonders and beauty.

* A pleasant mixture of 2D and 3D. Zenses is controlled using the stylus only. Not a single key press is necessary.

* Zenses will include a high-quality ambient soundtrack. All music from the game will be uploaded to and will be available to download for free (players will be receive special bonuses holding codes to unlock).

About The Game Factory

The Game Factory, trading as The American Game Factory, Inc in North America, is an international publisher of family-friendly and casual video and computer games, many based on leading international children’s characters. The Game Factory is a subsidiary of the K.E. Mathiasen Group A/S, a family owned Danish company established in 1963. Today, K.E. Mathiasen is the leading distributor of toys, multimedia and licensed products for children in the Nordic countries. For more information, please visit

To enter:
Head on over to American Game Factory and leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite game is. Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you in the comment.

Additional ways to get entries (you must leave me a comment for each extra entry, letting me know about it):
* Sign up for my feed: (if you are already a subscriber, leave me a message letting me know in the comment section).

* Blog about this giveaway, come back here and post the link in the comment section.

* Follow me on Twitter: TwitterCounter for @sararosetutus

* Fave me on Technorati: Add to Technorati Favorites

Giveaway ends on January 8, 2009. This giveaway is open to readers in the US only.

Want even more chances to win, stop by Family Review Network for a list of other members giving away this cool game!

Never miss a review or giveaway- sign up here:


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Jayfr said...

I'd like to try Code Lyoko - Fall of X.A.N.A.

Anonymous said...

Would love the Bratz Pony game...thanks for the contest!

Amy said...

Besides the two mentioned here, Legend of the Dragon looks pretty cool!

Donna said...

I like the Build-A-Bear Workshop® A Friend Fur All Seasons.

Donna said...

I subscribed to your feed.

Donna said...

I am following on twitter. name-donnak4

Musings from Me said...

I can't decide between Build a Bear for the DS or the Rubik's Cube. Both games look fun.

Musings from Me said...

I signed up for your feed on bloglines.

Musings from Me said...

I'm following you on twitter.


Anonymous said...

Rubik's World looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

Pet Alien A puzzlepalooza

Anonymous said...

I'd like Rubiks World! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

World Championship Games - A Track & Field Event!

Anonymous said...

The Pet Alien puzzle game looks like fun for my entire family.

lisaray said...

I like Rubiks World

MisfitMookie said...

Build-A-Bear Workshop. I would love to win this! Thanks for the great giveaway!
misfitmookie at

dbacksfan001 said...

I like the Build-A-Bear

purplepassion126 said...

Rubik's World and Build a Bear Workshop A Friend Fur All Seasons

purplepassion126 said...

Subscribed to feed via Google Reader.

purplepassion126 said...

I follow you on Twitter as purplepassion12

purplepassion126 said...

I faved you on Technorati

John Deal said...

I like Rubik's World.

CanAmBlond said...

My favorite game from The Game Factory would be Garfield's Nightmare. The Zenses game looks good too, so thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

We checked out the site. My granddaughter likes Build-A-Bear and my grandson likes Biker Mice From Mars!
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Lobbyman said...

Rubiks World is the game I so want to play. I may have to buy it.

Anonymous said...

my kids would love the build a bear

Betty C said...

Rubik's World looks very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Rubik's World!

Sherry R said...

My favorite is Rubik's World!

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

Sherry R said...

I’m a subscriber.

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net


My son likes the Rubik's game.

Anonymous said...

World Championship Games looks like the most fun.

Sandy S said...

I love puzzle games so my favorite is Rubik's World. I know that my daughter would choose the Build a Bear game. Thanks for the chance to win!
skstigger (at)

Sandy S said...

I subscribed to your Rss feed.
skstigger (at)

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Pet Alien for the DS looked like fun! Thanks.

Susan W said...

I like the Rubik's World game.

Jinxy and Me said...

Rubik's world looks fun!

Fae said...

Rubik's World seems like a fun game for the whole family! Zenses would help me to relax!

my email is in my blogger profile.

Christal said...

I like Rubik's World the best

Anonymous said...

I would love to try Rubik's World!

yellowlabs said...

Rubik's World looks awesome!

pauline15 said...

My kids love to go to Build-a-Bear to make a new friend. I know I would love to get the Build-a-Bear game for my family!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Melanie said...

Rubik's World is my favorite... I like to challenge my brain.

rdazer said...

Rubik's World is my favorite

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try Rubik's World!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

NatalieLucy said...

I like Rubiks World. I love the puzzles.

Denice P- doozercries said...

i haven't seen garfield in a while so i like to try garfield's nightmare. i like g he's cute and i'm sure that i'd like the game!

hammielover1 said...

I think we could get into "Biker Mice From Mars"! We would sure like to try.

ldrnc2000 said...

The Rubik's World looks cool! I would love to win! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My favorite game would be Garfield's Nightmare. Liz would like Pet Alien.

Candie L said...

My youngest son is excited about the Track and Field game


Anonymous said...

I'd like Rubiks World!

blown96cobra said...

My daughter loves Bratz ponyz. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Rubik's World looks interesting and fun to play. Since I love puzzle games it should be a lot of fun.

Tonysopranogirl said...

So many to chose from....I think my girls would love the Strawberry Shortcake The Four Seasons Cake!!
How fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Biker Mice from Mars is my favorite. It is so much fun.


I love the Pet Alien game & plan on buying it next paycheck!
Out of the 2 Zenses games ~I would love to try the Ocean Zenses!


I follow your blog!


I subscribed thur goggle reader too!

I tired to subscribe also to email but got this msg:
The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled

Tammy said...

I think I'd like Rubiks World! It would bring back some good memories from childhood! Thanks for the giveaway, Happy new Year!

ms-texas said...

Rubik's World looks like lots of fun!

klp1965 said...

id really love to play rubiks world :)

Tina said...

Rubik's world, because I like puzzles. Thanks for the contest, these games look so relaxing.

dianerph said...

Rubik's World sounds like a really fun puzzle game

mrstrooper said...

Rubik's World...I love puzzles!

Think about it said...

I'd like Rubiks World for us!

Anonymous said...

My favorite game is World Championship Games - A Track & Field Event

Anonymous said...

Rubiks for us

NesieBird said...


bettycd said...

Rubiks world - I could get lost playing that

Valancia said...

Build a Bear, ty.

angie said...

Rubik's World looks like a fun one.

fancyfeet48 said...

Rubik's World looks like fun

Anonymous said...

Rubik's World is my favorite!

1993wel said...

I like World Championship Games: Track and Field. That looks fun!

Anonymous said...

Robik's Cube remains fascinating for every generation so Rubik's World should be a winner too.

disneyfanheather said...

I like Rubik's World!

Helen said...

Rubik's World looks like loads of fun!

lilyk said...

I love Rubik's World!

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your email feed.

Anonymous said...

Bratz Ponyz 2
studio869 at yahoo dot com

esther said...

I'd love to play Rubik's World!

DMarti2620 said...

My favorite is Build A Bear Workshop!

AmyLynn said...

I love Rubik's World!

masonsgranny59 said...

Build a bear workshop.

/\Heather/\ said...

I pick Rubik's World. Seems pretty cool. :-)

/\Heather/\ said...

I signed up for your feed.

/\Heather/\ said...

follow on twitter.

/\Heather/\ said...

faved on technorati

Kathy said...

My favorite game is Legend of the Dragon. But, I sure would like to win the Zenses game. Thanks for the contest.

Unknown said...

Build a Bear would be my fav game!

Sweepstakes Finder said...

This blog was recently featured on Check out some of our family sweepstakes!

Good luck to everybody who enters the contests!

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