Friday, May 29, 2009

Mamapedia: The Wisdom of Moms


I know that as a first-time mom, I am always looking to more experienced mom with all the random questions that I come up with on a day to day basis. I post on a bunch of different parenting forums and the information that I have gotten from these women has been invaluable. That is why I was so excited to hear about Mamapedia.

Have you heard of Mamapedia?

It is a virtual encyclopedia of Mothers' wisdom. Mamapedia allows you to quickly navigate through thousands of diverse categories to find the thoughtful, sympathetic-and most importantly-helpful answers to all of your questions. Mamapedia brings millions of women together online, both nation-wide and in our own communities, so we can help each other tackle those difficult parenting questions or even just give recommendations on our favorite pediatricians, playgroups, and kid-friendly restaurants.

Mamapedia enables you to search answers for your most pressing questions, such as childhood crushes, renting a house, and summer camps, to get empathetic and insightful answers from moms around the country.

I think this is going to be a resource that all moms (and dads) are going to find really really useful.

This post was written for Mom Central.

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