Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scanalog: A Magazine Cateloging System Review and Giveaway

I have posted about a few different items that I am using to try and organize my life. Well here is another one and it is just fantastic! It is called Scanalog and it a CD-ROM software system you
can use to store, catalog and retrieve your favorite articles from your favorite magazines and catalogs.

I was very excited to received this software. But of course, I try to install it and was not able to (seriously this is my life- everyone else can install it with no problem, and I can't, it figures). I emailed customer support and got an email back immediately and they were able to solve my problem (I had to download an extra file, not sure why, I think I was doing something wrong). But regardless, I was able to get it working ASAP and the customer service was AMAZING.

And then I was able to use the software. HOLY MOLY! This is the greatest thing ever. I am able to scan all of my magazines, articles, recipes, and put it in my computer in a neat organized fashion! No more paper clutter! EVER! There are eleven "Master Categories" to save items in Scanalog. They cover a range of women's interest, from Home Decoration to Gardening to My Spirit.

Sounds spectacular, right? Well, one lucky reader will win a copy of their own (retail $49.95)


To enter:
Head on over to Scanalog and leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite feature is. Do not just say "Enter Me", I will delete these comments. Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you in the comment. If you are the winner, you have 3 days to claim your prize before I pick a new winner, so please remember to check back here.

Additional ways to get entries (you must leave me a comment for each extra entry, letting me know about it):
* Sign up for my feed: (if you are already a subscriber, leave me a message letting me know in the comment section).

* Blog about this giveaway, come back here and post the link in the comment section.

* Follow me on Twitter: TwitterCounter for @sararosetutus

* Tweet about this giveaway, copy it for me and post it here.

* Fave me on Technorati: Add to Technorati Favorites

There are 6 different ways to enter, please leave a separate comment for each one.

Giveaway ends on March 7, 2009. This giveaway is open to readers in the US only.

Thanks to Family Review Network for the chance to review this great software

Never miss a review or giveaway- sign up here:


Sheila Hickmon said...

I like the parenting catagory the most!! This looks so cool!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I follow on twitter, mom2anutball

hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I have you faved in technortai! mom2anutball

hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I tweeted!!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Jamie said...

I liked the scantags that you use to tag as you read. Then you can go back and scan and add all at once!

Jamie said...

I also follow you on Twitter!

Jamie said...

Subscribe to your feed (via iGoogle)

Jamie said...

And have you faved on my Technorati


Unknown said...

I love the "Decorating" category: I have a gross ton of old decorating and do-it-yourself magazines I've been hoarding over the years because they contain an article or two I want to hang on to. I'd love to purge all of them but still have access to the article I wanted to keep.

What a clever, useful product!

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a google reader subscriber

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter (username:auntiethesis)

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I have you fav'd on Technorati:

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I tweeted:

shel704 at aol dot com

Dumaurier said...

I would use the Parenting section, you don't even want to know how many magazines I have hiding under my bed. I keep them just in case I need an article one day. This would so help me, I need to be organized

Carolyn G said...

I would use the food and wine section to sort my recipes.

pestkaj said...

I would use the food section and the craft section most!

pestkaj said...

I signed up for your feed via yahoo rss reader

rrshep said...

I'm a subscriber.

rrshep said...

I like that I can scan all those health articles I'm keeping and categorize them to use later. Also, it would allow me to throw away all those pieces of paper after I scan them.

Terri said...

I am a gardener and have tons of flower/soil/planting magazine articles so I would pick that subject. Awesome! Would love to win-thanks.

Terri said...

I am a happy subscriber.

Terri said...

I faved you on technorati

Terri said...

I follow you on twitter.

Terri said...

I tweeted as flinflan

mverno said...

the craft section

ezmerelda said...

The food and wine section would be the one that I would use the most. I have hundreds of recipes that I have cut out of magazines that are of no use to me because they are a big pile.

mverno said...

the parenting is my choice


recipes for sure

Anonymous said...

I like that it has 60 scantabs! Goodbye to the manila envelopes and staples! harleychrys at hotmail dot com

wendy wallach said...

I like that it has free technical suport once you register the product.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Melanie said...

I love that they provide tags for you to mark your mags as you look at them. Makes it much easier to go back and scan the articles you need to at your convenience!

dbl.13s @ md.metrocast .net

silverbele said...

I would like the scanning softwear so I can scan my file drawyer and free up space.

pestkaj said...

I follow on twitter as pestkaj


pestkaj said...

faved on technorati- user id pestkaj

clc408 said...

This would be great for me to organize all those clipped recipes that get lost. Thanks for the giveaway.

Miss Spoken said...

Love the different sections, especially the Crafts section. I can't tell you how many clippings of potential projects spread about my house. Great product.

Sunnyvale said...

I like a lot of the categories, especially the collectibles

Anonymous said...

I'll be able to scan and catalog recipes from magazines. My "openid" is my email contact.

trishden said...

I like that there are eleven Master Categories in SCANALOG that cover a range of women’s interests, from Home Decoration to Gardening to My Spirit. I could really use that. Thanks for a great giveaway!

trishden said...

I'm already a subscriber! Thanks

trishden said...

I am now following sararosetutus on twitter, I hope that's right as I had to do some searching to find your twitter name. You could use a link for easy following. Thanks trishden

trishden said...

I tweeted on twitter here:


Sarah H said...

I like that you can scan into different catagories

Gabriel S-J. said...

I ll use the food and wine section for my recipes.

/\Heather/\ said...

I like that you can search your input by keyword. That helps when you have 15 years' worth of magazine stories... :-)

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow on twitter: choochoo428

/\Heather/\ said...

I faved on technorati: choochoo428

/\Heather/\ said...

I tweeted!

Ken said...

I would use it to scan and catalogue all of my Home Maintenance magazines. Please accept my entry. Thank you

mickeyfan said...

I like that there are sub-categories under the main ones. Would make it even easier to break down and find the exact type of recipe I'm searching for.

rosannepm said...

I like that you can use it to store the articles you want to read for later

rosannepm said...

I subscribe to your feed

Karen said...

Love the parenting category.

ktgonyea at

justicecw said...

I love the food and wine category to organize all my recipies! thanks,

Anonymous said...


ky2here said...

Anything that helps me be less of a packrat is great. Let's get that crap out of desk drawers and onto the hard drive.

Anonymous said...

The most obvious feature is the one I like and that is I can do away with having 100s of recipe clippings laying around

Anonymous said...

signed up for your feed

Anonymous said...

following on twitter

chromiumman said...

would love to use it to scan and sort all of my recipes

Anonymous said...

I would love the chance to win, thanks.

lezanac said...

love that I can make seperate subcategories for each of my kids and would use it to scanalog their artwork and report cards

Happi Shopr said...

The food and wine section is just what I need to organize all of my clipped recipes. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Sherry R said...

My favorite is the craft section for all those cute kid craft ideas!

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

Sherry R said...

I subscribe in Google reader.

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

Anonymous said...

WOW this is what I've been looking for my whole life!! I have way too many file folders of articles and paper items that are taking up valuable real estate! I work on a dinosaur of an operating system, so I'm glad Scanalog runs on Windows 2000. Thanks for the entry!

c81280@hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I liked the scantags that you use to tag as you read.

Donna M. Clark said...

I likethat the canalog has 11 diffrent castegories. Thank you for having this giveaway.

Donna M. Clark said...

I am a lready a subscriber.

Bakersdozen said...

I learned that the person who came up with the idea for this had the same problem that I am facing right now. I have so many clippings, especially recipes, from magazines and I really need a better way to save them and organize them. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

JellyPA said...

Definitely the Food & Wine feature. I need to organize all these recipes!

BocaLeif <-at-> hot mail <-dot-> com

JellyPA said...

The Food & Wine section would work great for collecting recipes.

JellyPA said...

I follow on Twitter.

JellyPA said...

I tweeted, too!

And I almost forgot!

BocaLeif <--AT--> Hot Mail <--dot--> com

flared0ne said...

The ability to assign keywords to each image, at any time, and then later to be able to sort through ALL your stored images by keywords -- THAT is ~powerful~ access.

Anonymous said...

The ability to directly import images from our digital camera (i.e., bypass the scanner, just go straight to categorizing the image itself) allows for a whole new approach to creative freedom and capturing reality -- I can see photographers benefiting dramatically!

Jinxy and Me said...

They have great categories - especially food and win!

Anonymous said...

I like the Eleven Categories. I have articles for almost all of the categories that I want to save for future reference.

Anonymous said...

I love how you can organize it inot categories and then subcategories to keep it super organized!

Anonymous said...

Parenting section and ty. bbrrterrace(at)

Anonymous said...

I think the Home Maintenance category would be very useful for DIY projects. A 'repairman' wanted to replace the condenser in our refrigerator which would cost almost the equivalent of a new unit. Long story short, after a simple cleaning the refrigerator is working just fine - now over 5 years later!

ms-texas said...

If I understand this product correctly from what I read - it seems to have a variety of categories that one could scan their "stuff" into - seems like there is a category appropriate for everyone


ms-texas said...

i subscribe


Anonymous said...

I like the parenting category the most.

Roseann K. said...

I'd love the crafts section. Thanks!

Betty C said...

One of the things I like is that it takes such a small amount of memory. It seems like almost every program I load eats up memory like crazy. This uses so little it won't bog down my computer speed.

Betty C said...

I subscribe via google reader.


I love the food & recipe sections the most! I have recipes in shoe boxes & would love to get oraganized.


I subscrinbe & follow!

Helen said...

This is a genius idea because I don't have the room to save an entire magazine for an article or two or even recipes or an idea. The food and recipe idea interests me the most.

lilyk said...

My favorite feature is the scantags.

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your feed.

Charlene Kuser said...

SCANALOG gives you nine Home Maintenance Subcategories

Charlene Kuser said...

I subscribe

Charlene Kuser said...

Following you on Twitter

Charlene Kuser said...


Charlene Kuser said...

Faved you on Technorati

Donna said...

I like the parenting category.

Donna said...

I am a subscriber.

Donna said...

I follow on twitter. (donnak4)

Donna said...

I faved you on technorati.

Unknown said...

I would use the Food and Wine section to scan all of my recipies that my Mom cuts out for me.