I always try to make healthy food choices. Sometimes I find it can be hard to find yummy healthy foods. I was excited when I was given the chance to try the new flavor of Yoplait Yo-Plus yogurt- Blueberry AcaĆ! Blueberry AcaĆ Yo-Plus is a creamy, fruit-flavored yogurt with live and active probiotic cultures that help regulate your digestive health year-round. Yo-Plus also is a good source of fiber, calcium and vitamins A & D.
It is delicious! I have been happily eating a serving of the Yo-Plus daily and I LOVE it! It is so creamy and smooth. And just so yummy! I actually need to send hubby to the store to get some more.
I received a gift bag that included a coupon for a free 4-pack of Yo-Plus yogurt, Yoplait cooler tote bag, water bottle and a nutrition journal – great for keeping track of your health goals and eating habits.
Feel free to also visit www.Yo-Plus.com for tips on how to maintain a balanced life and additional information.
Want a coupon? Click here for a $1.50 off downloadable coupon for a 4-pack of yogurt.
Or do you want to win your own Yoplait gift bag? Three lucky winners will be getting their own Yoplait gift bags.
To enter:
Leave me a comment letting me know your favorite personal tips on how to stay healthy and maintain a nutritional diet this year. Do not just say "Enter Me", I will delete these comments. Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you in the comment. If you are the winner, you have 3 days to claim your prize before I pick a new winner, so please remember to check back here.
Additional ways to get entries (you must leave me a comment for each extra entry, letting me know about it):
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* Blog about this giveaway, come back here and post the link in the comment section.
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There are 6 different ways to enter, please leave a separate comment for each one.
Giveaway ends on March 16, 2009. This giveaway is open to readers in the US only.
Thanks to My Blog Spark for this great review opportunity.

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I have been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. Also drinking lots of water so I don't crave ice cream so much. Thank you!
I have cut out eating alot of starch and sweets instead I am eating more fresh fruit, vegetables and more low fat dairy products.
I am a subscriber.
I *try* to drink lots of water, but if that doesn't work, I make sure I have low carb/low cal snacks that I know will help fill me up and curb my hunger between meals!
I exercise daily (have been for decades) and avoid sugar! That along with drinking water instead of soda works for me.
I have been watching my portion sizes. It is very hard to do but I have been working on it.
I have switched to eating special k every morning. and also watching my portions, with measuring cups.
and watching my carbs, eating them during the day. and light meal for dinner.
I increased my exercise,drink more water, and cut down on calorie intake.
Honestly, my best healthy tip is to get pregnant! I have lost weight, gained tone, and have a desire to eat healthy for my unborn child!
Eat the majority of your diet as fruit and vegetables. You'll feel younger and lose weight like crazy.
get enough sleep and exercise.
I have switched my daily morning oatmeal from the 1 minute stuff to the old fashioned Irish Steel Cut variety -- better fiber content, way more filling and it tastes pretty good!
yoplait is so delicious...especially the vanilla :)
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
plenty of water and lots of sleep
seesessel (at) gmail (dot) com
Make Xtra Income Online!!!
I have done quite a bit this year to eat healthier: I have cut out soda entirely, I am drinking more water, eating more Yoplait, more fruits and veggies. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have been going to the local YMCA where they have been offering cheap and sometimes free classes. I have a membership and I like to go play with my boys. It keeps me active and away from the pantry (LOL). I also drink a ton of water and compete with my husband to see who can be healthier. We also impose our healthy ways upon our kids in hopes that they will carry them on and live a long and prosperous life.
by the way, my email address is istealjewgold@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!
Have a nice day!
I have been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables and less sugar.
I have been adding much more fiber to my families diet by cooking more beans. I also eat a apple every day and make sure my kids do too. I find that when I eat more fiber I feel so much better during the day.
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I follow you on twitter as flinflan
I tweeted this giveaway as flinflan
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cooking more of my own meals instead of fast food
When I go out to eat, I try to make sure I eat a normal portion, not everything on the plate. Then I take home the rest for later.
We cook most of our meals at home.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
asking yourself am I hungry or bored and controling portion sizes
I am running every morning and steam most of my meals.
I drink 100 ounces of water everyday. Great for the skin and hair.
drink lots of water
I am walking more and eating more vegies. Since the weather is slowly turning to spring, I am not craving comfort food as much--thank goodness.
i eat special k now instead of eggs
I joined the YMCA. I can work out between classes and work. I also cut out all refined sugar. Now I keep healthy snacks in the pantry and refrig.
Commit to eating something naturally green, orange and red each day. More likely than not, they will be fruits and vegetables!
I really like eating 100 calorie packs. I know that they are more expensive than buying regular packs of food but it helps me stick to my diet goals!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I have been much more conscious about what I eat and give the kids. Reading nutrition label, making better choices at restuarants.
I try to choose whole grains as much as possible and walk my dog
Excersize at least 5 times a week and drink plenty of water.
Drinking lots of water is effective and if you use tap water (I do!) it is free.
Blather From Brooklyn
I exercise 4-5x week, stay active, drink lots of water, eat well, and most importantly laugh a lot and enjoy life!!!
My goal is to drink more water (so I eat less) and walk as much as possible so I get some kind of exercise each day.
I eat a yogurt-a-day and drink as much water as I can each day.
I have been trying to incorporate more fiber into my diet. I recently started eating the Fiber One yogurt and chewy bars. They taste great and I'm getting a whopping 9 grams of fiber per bar.
Thanks for the great contest.
I stay healthy by trying to eat right, walking and doing my yoga daily
We are trying to choose more whole foods, fruits, veggies,organic,more water etc.. Thank you for the chance.
I have a leafy green salad before my main dish, and fill it up with other vegetables.
My favorite way to eat nutritious food and stay healthy this year, for me and the family, is to keep the junk out of the shopping cart. We can't eat it, if it isn't here! That's working out quite well too, I might say. The kids are happy to grab an orange or banana when there's no candy, cookies, or pop sitting around.
We are eating more fresh veggies as snacks -we are also walking in the evenings as a family!
I've been trying only eat half of things I would have normally eaten all of.. and more fruits and vegetables!
You know, sometimes it's really hard to eat right and "do the right thing". You just have to know that it's *important* to take care of yourself. It's corny but true -- your body is a temple. What you put into it IS what you are (remember the School House Rock commercial?!? "You are what you eat...")You have to know that in the end you'll feel better, and you'll live longer. I recently joined the gym, after a year off (the gym in my town closed) and I really feel better even after only 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer. You push yourself. Find the inner strength in you. You know -- Nike -- just do it!!!
I eat whole grains and limit sugar
I am working at getting to the gym a few times a week, and bringing more "fresh" foods into the house rather than processed junk.
I've been working on getting more fiber into my diet and the diet of all my family members, and it is surprisingly easy because there are a lot of products with added fiber. Thanks for the giveaway.
I walk 30 minutes a day as the weather allows and work out 4 days a week. I've also cut back my portions by a 1/3. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
i walk everyday
My best tip is water water water. I also love sliced red bell peppers for a snack
I drink lots of water, and I walk as much as I can.
Each morning I fill a 2 quart pitcher with water, during the day I fill a glass with ice and I pour from the pitcher so I know at the end of the day I have drank enough water. I have to be honest there are days I struggle but the benefits I have felt and seen on/in my body are worth it.
I also have little bowls of almonds (or other nuts) throughout the house. I have 1 in the kitchen, 1 in the living room, 1 in my bedroom. When I feel a snack attack I grab a few and munch slowly on them. It stops me from grabbing something unhealthy or eating too much which is my biggest problem.
We go through 2 cases of yoplait (purchased at costco) every 2 weeks so a case a week. They are the variety pack of blueberry, peach and strawberry. Blueberry is my favorite. It took me a while to warm up to yogurt but now I like it.
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My family could really use this, please enter me and thanks for the great contest =)
My tip is to increase our fruits and vegetables by offering apples, grapes, baby carrots etc as snack foods instead of unhealthy snacks.
Drink TONS of water and walk, walk, walk. Thanks.
I'm trying to snack smart by eating fruits, yogurts, and veggies instead of something that is bad for me.
1bmore @ gmail . com
tip to be healthy--eat breakfast every day and eat yogurt for calcium
I am on Weight Watchers so I have to watch what I eat and the portion size - then I try to exercise as well! I've lost over 30 pounds!!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
Keep sweets out of sight and put healthy food in sight.
eat more fruits and veggies for sure
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
Dont eat past 6pm.
I'm trying to keep track of everything I eat.
I notice that the more I walk the less I eat. Besides healthy exercise, I think walking everywhere relaxes me, and also keeps me busy, away from the food that I would eat if I were sitting aroudn. Thanks for the contest. -mary
I eat lots of fruits and veggies. One of my favorite ways to eat fruit is with yogurt.
We cut out most processed foods and eat in every meal. Saves our health and money.
I serve at least 2 fruits and veggies at every meal
I don't have a personal tip. But I am trying to be a healthier me. So far this year I have quit smoking, and I am trying to eat right.
We all know what we are supposed to eat, the problem is having the willpower to not eat the food we shouldn't. I am trying to eat the right things and work out more often.
I've made it a point to bring my food with me to work, to keep from indulging on unhealthy fast food options.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I try to exercise 4 to 5 times a week and eat a lot of fruit.
I am following you on twitter. My user name is imaclutz89.
I tweeted about the giveaway. My user name is imaclutz89.
I have started eating more veggies and drinking more water and milk instead of cokes
we eat tos of veggies all year long. I have a big garden and have recently discovered canning and dehydration. It's so mice to have good food to eat all year even when the grocery store prices are nuts during the off season
Besides drinking water and eating fruits and veggies, I am eliminating chips, cookies, candy, and soda--so far so good.
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Following on twitter as purplepassion12
Faved on technorati under purplepassion126
I try to eat less junk and keep healthy snacks on hand. I am also trying to exercise more!
I had a great incentive to lose weight...a wedding in the islands! I completely switched my diet...fish and salads and/or only healthy dinners and no more junk food! Big change, but lost 11 lbs.!
I drink lots of water and I cut down on drinking soda.
I powerwalk, drink plenty of water and eats lots fruits and veggies.
I'm a subscriber.
I plan my shopping list carefully leaving off the non-nutritional junk food. If it isn't on the list I don't buy it. That way I know if it isn't in the house I won't be tempted every time I go in the kitchen to grab a handful of chips.
If I crave something that qualifies as junk food, I make myself wait 20 minutes to see if it passes first, if not then I eat ONE serving size and cut myself off!
I am following you on Twitter.
Username: wastebasket
I have you favved on my Technorati!
Username: wastebasket
Tweet: http://twitter.com/wastebasket/statuses/1335682571
We are trying to stay healthy by riding our bikes together as a family more often. Makes great family time too. Thank you.
I am also a subscriber. Thank you
I eat yogurt just about every day and limit unhealthy sweets such as cookies and such to the occassional 100 calorie packs.
bleuteam at gmail dot com
I try and eat a piece of fruit and a bottle of water for my mid-morning snack and take a vitamin at the same time so this way I do something healthy every day!
I eat alot of vegetables and lean meat and fish. I walk alot as well.
I have been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Well drink alot of water, we use bottled water and eat more veggies, we're total veggie freaks too so that's a good thing for us. Please eneter me and ty. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
Following u on Twitter as skyxsky27 and ty. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com
Eat a high protein breakfast - it keeps you fuller, longer and having breakfast kick starts your metabolism.
We cook at home and don't eat at fast food places, we drink lots of water and juices and exercise.
I started eating yogurt 3 times a day, taking vitaims & walking!
I subscribe & follow!
I have changed my cooking and eating habits. I cook with low cal products and I am buying natural products when possible. I eat a ell balanced diet, exercise and havea yearly checkup. garrettsambo@aol.com
most of my diet is organic!
i try to exercise everyday and replace junk food with fruits and vegetables!
My son and I both love yogurt. Eating a good breakfast is the key thing for me. I usually have a yogurt in the afternoon in between meals if I get hungry. The sweetness of the yogurt satisfies my craving for sugary snacks. Thanks for the chance!
I subscribed via IGOGGLE HOMEPAGE. Thanks for the chance!
YOOOOOOO HOOOOO I'm following you on Twitter...hehee.
I twittered! http://twitter.com/Mommykat007/status/1338237956
I try to stay healthy and maintain a nutritional diet this year by eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains
I try to eat four servings of veggies and five servings of fruit every day.
Yogurt is an ancient food yet I did not know about it until my college days.
I eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads.
This tear, my whole family has been trying a lot harder to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
I tried to make sure that we each have a piece of fruit with breakfast and lunch daily. I have also become more conscious about having fresh vegetables in our meals instead of canned or frozen. And I'm trying to introduce legumes to our diet although none of us really care for them.
*Also cutting back on white sugar and salt.
I'm a subscriber.
I stick with whole wheat bread and pasta products, and start the day with a piece of fruit.
I don't buy sweets but buy healthy choices like fruit and yogurt and granola. We eat what we have so it helps. I also try to drink more water but have a bit of a problem with this one for some reason.
I've cut soda out of my diet and drink more water.
I try to stay well hydrated.
I signed up for your feed.
I have been trying to get more exercise and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Hi,I am trying to cut back on my potatoes and breads,they are very fattening!,I also am trying to drink more water.
I subscribed to your feed thru gmail amb22
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