Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hell Yes!: Two Little Words for a Simpler, Happier Life by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin Book Review


When given the chance to review the book Hell Yes!: Two Little Words for a Simpler, Happier Life by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin I jumped at the opportunity. Anything that could make my life simpler was something that I definitely needed to read. I mean, I am always on the go and always doing. My job, family, mom in the hospital, blogs, etc. It is on going.

So I sat down to read the book and take notes to use in my life. The idea is that we all do too much. We take on all sorts of extra projects and activities and try to crap too much into our schedule and life. All of the items individually are not that much but when you look at them all together, well, it can just be too much!

The author speaks especially to parents, who have have to place their children's needs so high on the priority list that it is easy for their own needs to get lost. Sound familiar?

The basic premise of Hell Yes!, is that when something comes up that you will need to commit yourself to, ask if it's a “Hell Yes.” If it is, do it! If it's not, it's a “Hell No!” This one simple question cuts to the heart of the matter, allowing you to focus on what's most important to you and your family, and compels you to say no to things that fall in the gray area, where you aren't excited about them, but they aren't heinous to you either.

Simple, right? Honestly as I was reading the book, I honestly felt like she was writing to me. I am ALWAYS agreeing to do thing because- I should or only I can do it or it is the nice thing to do or if I don't do it, someone else will. So I am going to try to start weighing things that come up to see if they are a "Hell Yes" or a "Hell No". Because if they are a "Hell No", I am not even going to worry about it (or at least I will try my best).

I strongly recommend this book to any parent who feels overwhelmed (isn't that all of us?) It is really amazing!

About the author:
Most days, Elizabeth is the CEO and creative director of Tribe, Inc., a marketing company working with
world-class brands like UPS, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Chick-fil-A and Porsche. But sometimes she writes
books instead.

Her other books include “How to Run Your Business Like a Girl: Successful Strategies from Entrepreneurial Women Who Made It Happen,” which was an Amazon Top 1,000 Bestseller, and “Beach Wisdom: Life Lessons from the Ocean.”

This post was written for Family Review Network

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kalea_kane said...

Thanks for the review. Sounds interesting, but I have to wonder about those maybes. I think Hell Yes and Hell No are kind of obvious. I think I need this book. :) Great review! :)

Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin said...

Stacy, thanks so much for such a nice review of my Hell Yes book. I love it when people really get it -- and see how saying Hell No can simplify their lives.

By the way, I love the design of your site. Clean and simple.

To Kalea, posting above: this is all about eliminating those pesky maybes. If it's not a Hell Yes, you don't have to figure out what it is. It's just a no. Period. Try it! It really works.